We supported 3 charities giving humanitarian aid – Gurseva, Sewa and Go Dharmic in their efforts for the Ukraine Crisis. With our donation, they were able to mobilise and transport essential items on lorries/trucks and vans to Ukraine/Polish borders, in order to help the innocent victims.

May 2022
ELHAP (Every Life Has A Purpose) is a magical and unique charity, providing adventure play opportunities to disabled and disadvantaged children, young people and adults. Since 1976, they have supported tens of thousands of disabled children. Each year, ELHAP attracts over 6,000 visits from across North East London and Essex. Our donation goes towards their adventure playground, orchard project & nature play, Transition Studio together with Holiday play schemes and will enable over 2,000 disabled & disadvantaged children to enjoy specific activities and games.

June 2022
Speedee Boarding
Many of the wider Jaspar Team took part and supported each other with our team building day out on the water, in Brighton with Speedee Boarding. Supporting 3 under-represented smaller charities in Surrey – Hope Charity Project, The Bevern Trust and Sussex Nightstop, this was a great day out for the entire Jaspar team with the Foundation donating to these 3 charities.

July 2022
Eka Foundation
We supported Project Sharda, a community educational initiative in Sharda Yamuna Khadar school in the slum areas of Delhi. This project is run by Eka Foundation who highlight the fundamental right to education and reach out to as many children as they can, provide them with a clean, sustainable, and safe school environment, and help them grow under the guidance of their renowned education specialists and mentors. EKA brings free and quality education to the underprivileged, value adds in terms of infrastructure, innovation in the field of education, recreational activities, and the right exposure for children who can then learn and grow.
Aug 2022
Since 1988, APDA have been providing culturally appropriate and bespoke sensitive Day care and Home care support and services to disabled, elderly and other isolated people in London. They aim to reach out where mainstream services cannot through lack of expertise, funding and understanding of disabled people, their carers and families. We supported APDA with a donation towards a minibus to facilitate bringing the service users to and from the Day Centre.