British Heart Foundation
Team members from Jaspar Group worked with the Foundation to donate all of the unwanted items from our new development site in Queens Park to the British Heart Foundation! We donated sofas, coffee tables, side tables, chairs, fridges, washing machines, mirrors, dressing tables etc. The British Heart Foundation were very appreciative and managed to sell 3 of the sofas by the end of the day which already generated funds for their charity!

Sept 2022
Healing Little Hearts

The Foundation was so happy to support Healing Little Hearts, a UK based registered children’s charity providing free open-heart surgery and interventional cardiac catheterisation to babies and children in the developing parts of the world. Every year more than a million children are born with Congenital Heart Disease worldwide. Sadly, only 10% of these children receive the life-saving treatment they desperately need. HLH’s primary aim is to make a difference and ensure all children are given the opportunity to live the life they deserve. We are so pleased to learn that our donation has made a huge positive impact on children’s lives in Bucharest, Romania.
Oct 2022
Help Change Lives
Following on from the BEM party in Dec last year, we finally distributed sanitary pads to 2,000 girls in Lamu, Kenya, positively changing their lives. Collaborating with Help Change Lives, Padmad and Lamu Yoga Festival, the girls and boys at the schools were educated on menstruation, infections and how to use the pad kits. These pad kits are changing the huge piles of plastic waste and used disposable pads in heaps outside schools. They are made of 100% cotton and are fully biodegradable, so also have a sustainability advantage. The Foundation was humbled to support this huge AND impactful initiative!!
Click here to read the full article

Oct 2022
EG Magazine
We were delighted to be featured in the EG magazine at the end of October, showcasing the work of the Group and the Foundation of giving back to communities, locally and around the world.
Click here to read the full article as covered in Kenya’s national newspaper
Dec 2022
Action on Podoconiosis
We have recently supported an NGO in Ethiopia called Action on Podoconiosis and Integrated Development Organisation (APIDO). Podoconiosis (for short, ‘Podo’) is a devastating disfiguring skin disease of the feet and lower legs, affecting 3 million people in Ethiopia, caused by bare-foot farming on certain types of volcanic soil. It starts off as hyperkeratosis, where the skin becomes dry and sore, develops into lymphoedema (which used to be called ‘elephantiasis’) of the lower legs, causing otherwise thin, sinewy legs to blow up to monstrous proportions. This leads to fibrosis, a chronic diagnosis of Podo, lasting years, often developing into hard nodules and growths on the feet. The burden born by those with Podo is doubly cruel. Firstly, patients must manage as best they can with grossly disfigured legs and feet, unable to wear normal shoes or to walk easily, in constant pain and with frequent infection. Mistaken for those with an infectious skin disease, patients are often rejected by friends or family, unable to work or attend school, shunned as lepers, many believing they are cursed. This is a tragedy of vast proportions for the victims of Podo.
We are humbled to support a simple low cost sustainable treatment plan for maintaining foot hygiene with water, soap and petroleum jelly for resolving the dryness. We have also donated towards the manufacture of bespoke shoes, so that Podo patients can still farm the land with shoes on and avoid contracting the disease. Since 2012, APIDO have started 6 treatment sites and treated over 5500 sufferers, most with successful clinical outcome.