Joseph Clarke School Trust, UK
Having donated toward the purchase of a minibus in 2020, we have proudly supported the Joseph Clarke School Trust for blind and partially sighted children, with donations toward Braille notetakers and special magnifying glasses. Those who are not at present using a Braille Notetaker are using an old-fashioned Perkins Brailler and are often unable to access homework or work as efficiently.
This transformative technology combines the simplicity of a note-taking tool with the power of a smart digital device. Providing more access to the notetakers will make a difference to each pupil’s future, enriching their education, assisting them through their leisure time activities and enhancing their development as regards their physical, mental and spiritual capacities.
Jan 2022
Beyond Every Kick, UK
Behind Every Kick is a charity which aims to level the playing field for young people using the power of sport and sport psychology to unlock potential and shift perceptions of how young people see their place in the world.
Behind Every Kick Clubhouse offers corporate and business donors, networking, training and problem-solving space for professionals, notably the rising stars within the business, to develop and apply skills to take their performances to the next level by changing the way they look at the world. Jaspar Group have been fortunate enough to be selected for this Clubhouse Membership and we are honoured to support BEK with donations for the good work they do for young people.

Jan 2022
Gurseva, UK
The Foundation provided support and sponsored the Gurseva soup kitchen every Saturday in January for homeless people in London. Gurseva provide hot meals & hot drinks, share smiles and conversations with friends on the street/hostels/bread line. When in stock, they also provide clothing, blankets and sleeping bags. A few members of the Jaspar Team were humbled to volunteer in London, serving food to those in need with this initiative.

Feb 2022
Wells on Wheels, India
Wells on Wheels has come up with a fantastic solution to young poor girls in India carrying water from one place to another. Supporting Wells on Wheels means that Jaspar Foundation is also helping to break the cycle of poverty. The Water Wheel carries 5 times more water than a regular pail. It is rolled by hand rather instead of being head loaded, therefore preventing musculoskeletal issues, loss of babies if the women are pregnant and preventing growth issues in children. Young girls, alongside their mothers make 3-4 trips back and forth from the well taking up the entire day, as the wells are 2-5km away from the home and this ends up being their full-time job.
Wells on Wheels provide one Water Wheel to a family, which means mothers can make one trip per day instead of 4 and the daughters are not required to bring any additional water. Not only is the Water Wheel invention helping to break the cycle of poverty by empowering bright young girls to attain an education, it is also protecting these young girls from all kinds of sexual assault that takes place en route to and from the wells.

Feb 2022
Laughter Specialists, UK
We are happy to have supported The Laughter Specialists, a beautiful charity that works tirelessly to brighten the lives of children who need it the most through the powerful medicine of laughter.
Our donation will help the continuation and extension of Laughter Specialists to reach and increase the number of children and families they are able to touch. Training 2 additional specialists whilst delivering positive outcomes to vulnerable children, this project will deliver both a teaching & training element whilst also delivering services to children with challenges, including those with terminal illness and / or long-term sickness, multiple and complex physical and mental disabilities. Never underestimate the power of laughter!

March 2022
Go Dharmic, UK
Jaspar Foundation feel humbled to support Go Dharmic as a match funder for their £1m virtual fund raising efforts. Go Dharmic aims to provide ‘compassion in action’ through campaigns varying from feeding projects, setting up school libraries in impoverished schools around the world, spreading awareness of hygiene, planting trees and more.